Original Title
* L’Essayeuse
Alternate Title
* Love Play (1977, USA, with a cut)
* Chantal Fourquet sauna scene
* Claude Janna in the hunt scene
* Claudine Beccarie uncredited, hunt scene
* Emmanuelle Pareze plays Lena, L’essayeuse
* Isabeau plays Karine
* Jacqueline Doyen non-sex
* Liliane Lemieuvre
* Marie-Jose Pontello
* Marlene Myller
* Martine Grimaud plays Jung, Karine’s maid
* Alain Saury plays Etienne, the husband
* Pierre Danny plays M. Andre, the chauffeur
* Manu Pluton, as Manu, plays a servant
* Charlie Schreiner plays Mario, the waiter
* Cyril Val, as Alain Plumey, plays the cyclist
* Richard Lemieuvre in hunt and orgy scenes
* Gabriel Pontello in hunt and orgy scenes
* Gilbert Servien plays a customer (brief appearance)
* and others
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