Year: 1965
Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Erotic
Language: Original
Director: Joseph W. Sarno
Studio: Longhouse Productions
Starring: Heather Hall, Judy Young, John Aristedes, Joe Santos, Norman Lind, June Roberts, Marlene Starr, Pat Daverese, Charles Sacca, Mark Dichter, Lee Dichter, Joe Sacca.
Description: Story of strippers, dice shooters, sex friends… gone wild!
Absolute tosh of course but it always looks great and is always watchable and, being a Joe Sarno film, is full of surprises, including at one point, wind-up toys!
True, the performers seem often to just stand around waiting to deliver their stupid line as flatly as possible but despite this Sarno keeps the movie moving forward in it’s weird and wonderful way, as if it had a life its own.
This presentation is much helped by an absolutely fantastic b/w print, being the perfect showcase for plenty of flesh (and lace and also stockings and suspenders etc etc!).
