Anna Ventura
Ginger Jay
Joanna Storm
Marlene Willoughby
Robin Sane
Sharon Kane
Sharon Mitchell
Tiffany Clark
Alan Adrian
Ashley Moore
David Ruby
George Payne
Gordon Duvall
Jamie Gillis
Joe Santini
John Christopher
Kenny Dee
Michael Bruce
Scene Breakdowns
Scene 1. Sharon Mitchell, Michael Bruce
Scene 2. Sharon Mitchell, Michael Bruce
Scene 3. Marlene Willoughby, Sharon Mitchell, Alan Adrian, Jamie Gillis, Michael Bruce
Scene 4. Sharon Mitchell, David Ruby, George Payne, Joe Santini
Scene 5. Tiffany Clark, Michael Bruce
Scene 6. Anna Ventura, Joanna Storm, Sharon Mitchell, Kenny Dee
Scene 7. Ginger Jay, Robin Sane
Scene 8. Sharon Kane, Sharon Mitchell, Ashley Moore, Michael Bruce
Thanks for this classic flick
the sauna scene at the end is KILLER!