Starring: Jenny Skrull, Johnny Storm, Cunty Savannah, Booze Philips, Maxine , Soozie Poppens, Naturelle Stinkbox, Cain Marco, Toad, Bijou , Meryl , Chester McCreep
Description: From an era that even our new administration can relate to, Historic Erotica proudly unveils our tribute to those free-loving free-thinking Sex Crazed Sluts Of The 1960’s. Return with us now to those anything goes days of yesteryear, when birth control pills opened up all possibilities and women opened up as well. Whether it’s a busty pigtailed babe in a bathtub, a hippy chick with headband taking it from two long-haired dudes in front and back, or two wild and wanton secretaries engaging their bosses in afternoon delights, you won’t be seeing anything like it again today! And wait ’til you see the new technology utilized to the max by two hot and hungry coeds who don’t need men when they can be tuned in and turned on by their very own fuckamatic machine. Break out the love beads and bellbottoms, and trip out on Sex Crazed Sluts Of The 1960’s.

In the 2nd loop the guy on the couch is Eric Edwards.