Released: 1980
Director: Michel Caputo as Michel Anthony
Notes: France, 80 mins
Alternate Titles
• Charlotte, una ragazza in calore Italy
• Sinnliche Sehnsucht DVD Herzog
• Elisabeth Buré plays Claudia’s mother
• Elodie Delage uncredited or credited as Lili Breval, plays a nurse
• Jane Baker plays Claudia
• Laura Clair as Odette Burel, in the Italian version
• Marie-Claude Moreau probably as Claudine Mena, plays one of the missionary nurses
• Nicole Segaud as Nicole Segaux in the Italian version, plays Charlotte
Inaccurate or fake credits in the Italian version-
• dir. Michel Caputo (as Michel Anthony in the French release, correct)
• Nicole Seguax (correct in that Nicole Segaud is in it)
• Odette Burel (correct in that Laura Clair is in it)
• Lydia Ferdix (who knows)
• Dominique Troye (definitely not in it)
Females who are in it apart from the above are Jane Baker, Elisabeth Buré, a black girl (Marie-Claude Moreau) and Elodie Delage.
Males who are in it –
• Jacques Vinair (Guy Berardan?) plays the young doctor, Mario, object of Charlotte’s affections
• Richard Lemieuvre (Richard Allan) plays Claudia’s father
• Guy Royer plays Jean-Paul
• Jacques Gateau plays the driving instructor
• Piotr Stanislas – the peeping Tom
• an older male, non-sex
