Year: 1967
Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Erotic
Language: Original
Direcotr: William Rotsler
Studio: Boxoffice International Pictures (BIP)
Starring: Cathy Crowfoot, Adele Rein, Scott Avery, William Rotsler, Oswald Fenwick, Pat Barrington, Frankie O’Brien, Vicky Kober, Charlotte Stewart, Sharon Smith, Billie Russell
Description: Even by the standards of the genre, The Girl With the Hungry Eyes is thin gruel indeed. Adele Rein plays Kitty, a sweet young thing who’s been seduced by a predatory lesbian (was there any other kind in the pre-Stonewall era?) named Tigercat (Cathy Crowfoot). Deep down, Kitty is an All-American heterosexual gal, as we see in the film’s first set piece, where she engages in a roll in the grass with a lucky motorist named Tom. After Tigercat kills Tom in a fit of jealousy, Kitty begins to question her sexual identity, and after meeting a handsome young chap (played, of course, by director-writer-editor-jack of all trades William Rotsler) reasserts her femininity via a series of incredibly boring and unsexy petting scenes.
