Belle d’Amour (1987)

AKA: Eroticon 3 (MTV)

* Barbra Braun one of the prostitutes, either Barbara Helner or Arlette Leonide, probably Barbara Helner
* Claudia Morini one of the prostitutes
* Diana Auvers credited under another name, plays one of the prostitutes
* Diane Suresne plays Francoise
* Nathalie Christal plays Isabelle/Crystal
* Valerie Sidy as Valérie Seller, plays Madame Regine
* XNK0454 maid in the brothel, either Barbara Helner or Arlette Leonide, probably the latter
* XNK0455 girl at bar and in fantasy sequence, probably uncredited, may play a character called Sophie


*André Kay plays Francis
* Richard Lemieuvre as Richard Allan (non-sex) plays Gerard, the husband of Nathalie Christal
* Jacques Marbeuf plays Monsieur Raymond, a client at the brothel
Laurent Parisi
* Alain Lyle plays a client at the brothel
* J. B. Doll
* Rocco Siffredi uncredited, plays Maxim, a client at the brothel
* Eric Dray uncredited, plays a client at the brothel
* male at dress shop is the tranvestite who appeared in many French porn films in the late 70s and early 80s

Language: French, English



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